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- _ _ _ _ ____ _ _ _
- | | | | | | | _ \ ___ ___ ___ __| | ___ | |_| |__ ___ _ __
- | | | | | | | | | |/ _ \/ __/ _ \ / _` |/ _ \| __| '_ \ / _ \| '__|
- | |_| | |_| | |_| | __/ (_| (_) | (_| | __/| |_| | | | (_) | |
- \___/ \___/|____/ \___|\___\___/ \__,_|\___(_)__|_| |_|\___/|_| v4.1
- Introduction
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- This is the one and only UUDecode arexx script for THOR. It can either be
- used from THOR's arexx menu, from the commandline without any arguments, or
- from the commandline with an argument consisting of a file name. All
- uuencoded files in this file will be decoded.
- With THOR 2.2 and above you get an icon in the listview instead of seeing
- uuencoded files. However, you still need UUDecode.thor because THOR executes
- this script when you click the icon in the listview.
- Features
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- · Progressbar while uudecoding.
- · UUDecode all files in all messages selected in the messagelist listview or
- just the files contained in the message currently shown.
- · Adds filenotes to decoded files stating where you got them.
- · Can recognize an unlimited number of files and execute a chosen action
- upon the decoded file. Use for pictureviewer, archive unpacking, etc etc.
- · Extremely configurable. You can change all paths used (destination,
- temporary, ...), the commandline of the uudecoder you use, filetypes which
- the script should recognize and launch certain actions on, switch on and
- off features which you might consider too slow (filetype recognition and
- adding of filenotes), etc etc.
- · All configuration done from an easy-to-use GUI.
- Requirements
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- · THOR 2.2 or higher.
- · The following AmigaDOS commands in the path: delete, search, filenote, rx
- · Some uudecoder program. The default configuration file contains
- commandlines for uuOut v1.14 by Nicolas Dade, UUxT v3.1 by Asher Feldman
- and UUFast v1.25 by Jørn Halonen. You may configure your own uudecoder as
- well.
- Contents
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- This distribution contains 4 files. The first three should be placed in your
- /THOR/Rexx directory.
- UUDecode.thor - the main script
- CfgUUDecode.thor - script for configuring all the options
- UUDecode.cfg - default configuration file
- UUDecode.readme - <- you are here
- Author
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Troels Walsted Hansen <troels@stud.cs.uit.no>
- Email to the THOR Team at <thor@hstud6.cs.uit.no> will also reach me.
- Thanks to
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Eirik Nicolai Synnes <eirikns@oslonett.no>
- · For his very nice scripts SortMail.thor and CfgSortMail.thor, both of
- which were *very* useful for v4.x of my script.
- History
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- UUDecode.thor v2.00 (20.11.94)
- · This version is only for THOR v2.0 or higher.
- · A lot easier to adapt to other uudecoders and
- includes commandstrings for uuOut, UUFast and UUxT.
- · Finally fixed qoutes around downloadpath with spaces.
- (Thank you Sigbjørn Skjæret! :)
- · Doesn't require rexxsupport.library anymore.
- · adds comments to uudecoded files containing
- 'From <name> in <conf> on <bbsname>'.
- UUDecode.thor v2.05 (07.12.94)
- · adds filenotes to *all* files in the message
- UUDecode.thor v2.40 (10.09.95)
- · supports multiple selected msgs in THOR 2.1
- UUDecode.thor v3.00 (03.10.95)
- · Uses the AmigaDOS command "search" for finding filenames to
- add filenotes to. Much faster and uses less RAM.
- · Destination directory for uudecoded files can now be set.
- · Filetype recognition added! Currently recognizes all sorts
- of pictures (based on extension) and three kinds of archives
- (LhA, Zip and Lzx). Supports viewing pictures inline or with
- MultiView and extracting or viewing contents of an archive.
- UUDecode.thor v3.01 (07.11.95)
- · Fixed a bug if you didn't have the messagelist window open.
- (Reported by Giovanni Addabbo)
- UUDecode.thor 4.0 (12.11.95)
- · Almost totally rewritten from scratch.
- · Progressbar.
- · Made everything configurable through an external configuration file.
- · Released on the THOR mailing list, and on the ftp support site.
- UUDecode.thor 4.1 (13.11.95)
- · Added a requester asking you to configure the script to *your* demands
- the first time you run it.
- · Released on Aminet, the THOR mailing list and the THOR ftp support site.
- ----------------
- CfgUUDecode.thor 1.0 (12.11.95)
- · First release of the script on the THOR mailing list.
- CfgUUDecode.thor 1.1 (13.11.95)
- · Editing UUDecoder commandline now works. (simple typo.. :-(
- ----------------
- UUDecode.cfg
- · Fixed the default UUDecode.cfg file so that UUxT works.
- · Added a few extensions for the 'a textfile' type.